Berne in Dog: What is it? How to take?


Learn what to do to avoid bugs in dogs and also learn how to remove the larva from the animal's skin. Berne is very common in dogs that live in rural areas, but it can also affect those that live in urban areas, especially if close to places with a large accumulation of dirt.

Berne, is actually the name given to the larvae of the blowfly when they are in contact with the skin of an animal. They are very easy to prevent, but when they infect the dog they must be removed very carefully to avoid possible complications.

What is berne in dog?

Dogs are active animals, they get hurt frequently and their skin is constantly bruised, not least because fleas and ticks, when sucking the blood of dogs, also leave small open wounds on the skin. The fly, in turn, takes advantage of these spaces to lay its eggs, which feed on the dog's skin and turn into larvae.

It is necessary to understand that the blowfly is a parasite, therefore, it uses other animals in order to survive. It takes advantage of any organic surface that the larvae can feed on, to lay their eggs, ensuring that they develop as larvae and also become new flies. Therefore, skin with wounds of any size is instinctively considered by this insect to be ideal for laying eggs

How to remove the berne?

Different from wounds with worm , the wound with botfly is characterized by the presence of only one larva that does not move to other regions of the animal's body. It is usually kept in a single position and in a space that allows little movement, which makes its removal a delicate procedure.

You should never squeeze a berne . By remaining practically immobile in the dog's skin, it is very dangerous that the force exerted around the place where it is housed is not enough for it to come out of the skin. In this way, the use of tweezers can cause the rupture of the larva, that is, a part of it remains inside the animal and can cause complications.

Best treatment for botulinum in dogs

The larvae in dogs must be removed while still alive from the animal's body so that the skin does not close and make the removal of the larva even more difficult. The best treatment for grub in dogs is done in veterinary offices, these professionals use the correct techniques for removing the larva and also ensure that the animal does not feel so much pain during the procedure.

Generally, the place where the larva is is covered with a cloth to prevent the passage of oxygen and cause some discomfort in the berne. After a while, the cloth or plastic is removed from the site, causing the larva to struggle to get out of the skin. Until this stage, a good part of the larva comes out spontaneously and the removal with tweezers is easier. During the procedure, sedatives can be used to calm the dog and numb the place of the berne.

Is there a home remedy for berne?

The best-known home remedy against botfly is bread yeast. Leave a piece of bread dough near the sore, maggot-ridden skin. With that, the worm will try to get out. Once it is on the outside, apply a little vaseline and remove it with tweezers.

How to prevent berne in dogs?

The fly is an insect that likes to live in places with large amounts of decomposing organic materials. To prevent the eggs from being deposited on the dog's skin , it is necessary to keep the yard always clean and not allow the dog to develop the habit of digging in garbage or walking in places with a large amount of dirt.

Also, animal skin care is essential. Baths should be weekly and whenever the dog's skin is injured, clean it immediately and cover it with a bandage.

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