Two Peas in a Pod: Rescued Kitten and Her Beloved Buddy Share a Special Friendship That Will Make You Smile


A newborn kitten was discovered abandoned and without mother care on the chilly streets of Montreal, Canada. She was transported right away to an animal shelter to take care of her requirements.

Her health was stabilized by the shelter workers, but she required specialized care. They sought assistance from Chatons Orphelins Montréal by getting in touch with them.

Volunteer for the rescue organization Celine Crom stated:

“We kept her warm even after she came with us. She was only skin and bones and had closed her eyes.

The rescue group was touched by the case of the little orphan kitten, so they decided to help her immediately.

Milena, a foster volunteer at the rescue center, took the kitten home and started bottle-feeding her 24 hours a day.

The stunning kitty appeared ecstatic to have been raised by her owner and quickly grabbed hold of the bottle.

Cathy said:

“From the beginning, he had great survival instincts. She ate to fill his heart and wept for his bottle every hour. She was putting on weight all the time.

Lou the kitten was doing great in her foster home, but she yearned for a friend to play and snuggle with.

Lou would try to crawl and go all over the other cats that lived in her foster home whenever she saw them in an effort to get some attention.

A litter of kittens was also saved during that month despite their very bad health; the rescue organization took them in order to save them.

Celine remarked:

“Initially, we were afraid they wouldn’t make it. Everyone resumed independent feeding after a protracted period of antibiotic treatment.

One of the kittens from the group that was saved, Griotte, had an eye that was very infected, but the little girl was able to save it with a lot of love, patience, and care. She was able to see again when her eye fully recovered, and she went on to have remarkable growth after that.

Lou connected with Griotte right away after being introduced to this litter of kittens since they knew it would be beneficial for him to encounter other cats.

Cathy said:

“They followed each other everywhere 24 hours after they first met. Since then, they have remained a close pair who do everything together, including jogging, mending, and resting.

Sweet Lou was so happy to have a new sister that, insisting on staying by her side, she didn’t want to be far from Griotte. Best of all, that feeling was mutual, because Griotte didn’t want to separate from her new best friend either, and in a short time this pair of felines were already inseparable.

Celine had said:

“Griotte and Lou are adorable. Despite having different personalities, they are a great match.”

Lou is the definition of happiness and fun; she is highly inquisitive and loves to explore the home.

He enjoys seeking out new experiences, making a mess of the foster home, and, most all, grabbing everyone’s attention.

Cathy said:

“When she wants to be carried, she leaps into the arms of her adoptive mother. She returns to her feline closest buddy after receiving a couple cuddles from her owner.

The sweet kitten watches over her sister so that nothing happens to her, and if she hears her meow, she immediately runs to see what is happening.

Celine had said:

Due to the illness, Griotte has a little foggy area in his eye, but he can see clearly now, so it doesn’t bother him.

The two kittens have a very close sisterly relationship that is so deep that it causes them to search for one another while they are apart.

Celine added:

“They are a wonderful couple and cannot be separated. They are now looking for a forever home together.”

These two kittens have become sisters for life, and thanks to the fact that the rescue group decided not to separate them, the little ones were adopted together and are very happy with their new family forever.

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