Dog scratching a lot, what to do?


Seeing your dog scratching himself a lot is definitely a warning sign. Will it be fleas, ticks, allergy, dermatitis?

There are many causes of dog itching and it is important that you know them to try to help your pet quickly. But, of course, nothing better than a vet's look and tests to make sure about the cause of the problem.

See now what it can be when the dog scratches too much and what steps to take.

When the dog scratches a lot, what can it be?

Scratching is natural for dogs, and healthy pets tend to scratch themselves a few times a day, especially behind the ear. 

However, if the dog is scratching a lot, with an exaggerated frequency, it is worth trying to understand the cause so that the correct treatment can be carried out. In addition to being very uncomfortable for the puppy, the itch can indicate the presence of parasites or skin diseases , which needs to be medicated.

See the main causes of dogs scratching themselves a lot:


Fleas are the main cause of itching in dogs, although there are already several remedies to protect against these ectoparasites (parasites that live outside the body).

They can cause flea bite allergy dermatitis (DAPP), which leads to hypersensitivity in the skin or even verminoses such as Dipilidiosis, when the worm is in fleas that are accidentally ingested by the dog when scratching with the mouth.

Giving medicine on time is very important to get rid of fleas not only from the dog's fur, but also from the environment .


In addition to the itching resulting from the bites, ticks can transmit the so-called “ tick diseases ”, Erlichiosis and Babesiosis, as well as Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and others. So it is very important to get rid of these parasites.

But a very frequent complaint in veterinary offices is that the tutor says “my dog ​​itches a lot, but it doesn't have fleas or ticks”, what is it then? Well, there are many other reasons for itchy dogs, see the main ones:


Scabies is a disease caused by mites, quite contagious. She can pass in contact with other infected dogs or even from mother to puppy - when the pet's immunity is low, the mites proliferate and cause the disease.

There are three types: demodectic, otodectic and sarcoptic and it is necessary to identify the type to start treatment with medication.


Dogs can develop allergic reactions to various factors, such as food, dust, microorganisms, pollen and others. In these cases, it can be difficult to identify the reason for the allergy, but it's important to keep an eye on what's around when the dog has the allergy.

To treat, the veterinarian will give an antihistamine, which should relieve the itch.


The itch of ringworm is quite intense and is caused by fungi. Transmission occurs in contact with other infected animals and the good news is that it can be treated with antimycotics or even ointments. That's why it's so important to identify the cause of the dog scratching a lot: to give the right remedy for the type of infection.

How to know that the itch is exaggerated?

The first step, of course, is to observe whether the dog is scratching for a long time or too often during the day. But, in addition, you can observe other signs that are usually accompanied by itching due to the causes mentioned above, such as:

  • Abnormal hair loss and even areas of the body with alopecia (without the presence of hair)
  • redness on the skin
  • injuries or wounds
  • The dog uses its teeth to scratch itself (it usually uses its hind legs).

What to do when the dog scratches a lot

When noticing that your dog is scratching a lot, notify the veterinarian quickly. It is important to make an appointment to identify the cause and, as we said, indicate the appropriate treatment.

Important: do not medicate or pass ointments on your dog without the veterinarian's recommendation. In addition to being ineffective, the drug can cause side effects and even more serious problems.

If the cause of the itch is an allergy, you need to remove this agent from your home or from your pet's food to avoid further reactions.

How to prevent itching?

In addition to treating infections and other skin problems, it is important to take steps in your daily life to avoid new itches. After all, they are usually common in dogs.

Here's what to do to prevent:

Bath and pool care

Excess moisture in the dog's hair is very conducive for fungi, mites and bacteria to proliferate. After bathing and after swimming, dry your dog's coat thoroughly.

In the bath, it is also essential to use only products suitable for dogs and, if possible, unscented so as not to cause skin and respiratory allergies.

It is also essential to avoid bathing in excess, so as not to remove the natural protection of the dog's skin. Every 15 days is enough.

food care

The most suitable for dogs is that only the proper feed is given for the size of the dog and age, or that natural food is offered with the guidance of a veterinarian or nutritionist.

Avoid giving foods that you don't know are bad for your pet and always choose good quality feed to keep your dog's immunity high.

hygiene at home

Cleaning the environments your dog goes through during the day is also important. Thus, you can remove infectious agents and those that can cause allergies. Periodically wash the bed, clothes and the place where he eats and eliminates.

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