Dog breeds that do well alone


Are you afraid to leave the pet alone? See dog breeds that do well alone and how to take care of it so that it stays calm at home.

Are you looking for a dog, but the routine is hectic? Check out the dog breeds that do well alone and how to adapt the animal to the routine.

Often the busy day to day ends up postponing the desire to have a pet. After all, is it fair to leave the dog alone to work? How to have a dog that will spend part of the day alone?

The good news is that there are breeds that adapt well to any routine and manage to be alone without getting stressed or feeling abandoned.

Becoming a pet owner is a huge responsibility. Even if the dog is left alone part of the time, he still needs a lot of love and attention.

Small breeds that do well alone

For those who live in an apartment or in smaller houses, there are small breeds that are better suited to the routine alone. Among them are:

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a small to medium-sized dog breed that behaves very well on its own. It is one of the few breeds that does not suffer from separation anxiety. Despite being hyperactive, it does not suffer from the departure of the owner as long as it has objects and activities to expend energy.

Lhasa Apso

It is a breed known for its tranquility, and it tolerates being alone for some time, since it does not need to receive as much attention as other breeds. The Lhasa Apso has an adventurous spirit and likes cute and fun things to spend its solitary time with.


As long as you pay attention while the tutor is at home, Maltese is a breed that can be fine alone, even in a small apartment. For this, you need to leave stimuli for him to have fun while he's alone.


Dachshund is an independent dog breed, doing well in long hours of solitude. They are quiet and do not need human contact all the time.

Medium-sized breeds that do well on their own

Basset Hound

The only requirement of this breed is to walk every day to avoid obesity. Basset Hounds are extremely quiet and independent, being able to spend a few hours of the day alone without damage to their personality. They live well in any type of environment, including very small ones.


These dog-shaped bears adapt very well to alone time. Even with the tutor at home, the Chow Chow breed tends to spend lonely periods. They are very reserved and don't like contact all the time.


It is an independent dog breed. Even with a high level of energy, Basenji are fine alone, but they are more suitable for living in places with more space with the necessary stimuli to release energy.

Large breeds that do well alone


A strong breed, with a striking and independent personality. Akita dogs do not suffer from the absence of the owner; however, they like a lot of affection and attention when the tutor is around.


It is an ideal breed for families and people with hectic schedules, as they love to sleep and are easily left alone.

Husky Siberiano

The Husky is a breed that needs large spaces to run and expend energy, having that, they are fine for long periods alone.

Breeds that stand alone, but not so much

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a docile animal that adapts well to any reality, especially in apartments. They even tolerate a few hours alone, but not many, as the breed loves affection and stays ′′ glued ′′ to the tutor whenever possible.

French bulldog

It is a breed that adapts well to different realities, but can only handle a few hours of solitude. The French Bulldog is very fond of interacting, playing and walking.

How long can the dog be left alone?

It's not because the breed is easy to be alone, that it's possible to leave the dog for many, many hours alone. At some point, the dog will miss the tutor and may develop harmful behaviors.

You have to be attentive, even if the dog does not need a lot of activities and full attention on a daily basis, he will need care and attention at some point in the day.

The point is to train the dog so that it adapts in the best possible way to the time alone.

Signs your dog is spending too much time alone

When the dog spends more time alone than tolerated, it starts to show changes in behavior. You need to be aware of any behavioral changes in the pet, so that it does not develop depression and anxiety. Behaviors such as howling, crying, scratching doors, urinating and defecating out of place, excessive barking, can be signs of separation anxiety. In addition, other strange behaviors may arise such as:

  • Destroy objects with the owner's scent;
  • Peeing or faeces on the bed, or sofa;
  • Ignore commands and rules;
  • Eat less or eat more;
  • Spending more time sleeping than is normal for the breed.
  • Show aggressive behavior.

Can you leave the dog alone to travel?

It is inappropriate to leave any dog ​​alone for more than 24 hours. As a living being, the dog doesn't just need water and food, he needs attention, affection and care.

Leaving the dog alone for a long time can damage the animal's physical and mental health. If you need to travel, choose:

  • Hire a pet sitter
  • Leaving the dog in a hotel
  • Take the pet to an acquaintance's house

How to help the dog to be alone

The first step in getting the dog used to staying at home is teaching him to play alone, even with the tutor present on the spot. This attitude will help the pet to be distracted without help. Other options are:

  • Teach the dog to be left alone for short periods before spending a long time away from him.
  • Don't make a long farewell;
  • Don't party when you get back;
  • Increase the dog's energy expenditure before leaving him alone;
  • Prepare the environment for your departure.

    Toys for dogs that are left alone at home

    As mentioned in the previous topic, preparing the environment to leave the dog alone should be part of the routine of the dog that will spend hours without the owner. For this, toys and distractions are essential. Ropes, balls, stuffed animals, teethers, stuffed and interactive toys will distract the dog while no one is home.

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