Anyone who has a cat knows that these little animals are far from predictable and often manage to surprise humans with their ability to develop and act in different ways.

In addition, at some moments in life, these animals show behavioral deviations, which often end up becoming a problem.

Most of the time these pets show changes in behavior due to some need that is not properly met.

Therefore, if you have a feline at home, you need to be aware of these issues to identify when you need to change something in relation to pet care.

Next, we'll show you what the main cat behavior problems are and how to deal with them.

What are cat behavior problems?

Now let's talk about what are the main behavioral problems that kittens have.

Unfortunately, it's quite common for animals to present these questions, especially when they don't have their main needs met.


So stay tuned to know what to do if your pet happens to present any of them.

Stop using the litter box

Pet kittens are very clean animals and by instinct they learn to use the litter box to pee and poop.

Most of the time, animals learn to use the crate by watching their mother. But even if they are taken away from the female very early, they still learn to eliminate in the litter box.

However, in many cases the little animal does not get used to using the litter box, so you should try to understand the reasons that lead to this.

Even adult animals can stop using the box if it happens to be in an inappropriate place or, if the sand itself is of a different type, which the little animal does not like.

If this happens just because of the difficulty of adaptation, it is quite simple to solve.

The first step is to have a peaceful environment where the little animal can do its needs without major problems.

Ideally, it should be in a quiet corner, where there is not much noise or agitation in general. And the cat should have access to the site very easily.

Cleaning the canister should also be adequate. You need to remove the waste at least twice a day.

But whenever you are around and you notice that the kitten has peed or pooped, then it is better to remove it.

Animals only use the box if it is clean. If it's dirty, they can choose to do their business elsewhere.

It is also important to completely change the substrate on average once every two weeks.

Also, the box and litter should be in line with your kitty's preferences. Starting with the litter box, ideally it should be the right size for your cat's stature.

If you happen to notice that the little animal is having difficulty getting into the box, you should exchange it for a model that is more compatible with it.

The substrate must also be of a type with which the little animal adapts very well. There are many types, and some cats refuse to use one type or another.

Therefore, some attempts must be made. But in general, most animals accept that more traditional sand, clay in fine grains, very well.

Either way, the best thing to do is to introduce your kitty to a few types and see which one he accepts best.

Some products have anti-odor substances, which, while helping to improve the smell of pee a little, can end up expelling kittens that are not used to it from the box.

And if by chance your little animal continues to behave like this, look for a training service urgently.

Is it a health problem?

The cat 's behavior problem not using the litter box may be related to a disease or psychological problem.

In that case, you can consult a veterinarian and have a general checkup. This is even more important if the animal has other associated signs, such as lethargy, signs of pain, vomiting, diarrhea, among others.

Cat Behavior Problem: Scratching everything in sight

Cats scratch. That's indisputable, and there are several behavioral reasons why he does this.

Sometimes behavior ends up becoming a big problem. But calm down because this has a solution.

In nature, felines need to scratch logs or other materials as a way to sharpen their nails.

However, this is also a very common behavior that felines exhibit when they are stressed and need to relieve stress. In case of boredom, it is quite common for the pet to start scratching excessively.

Another very common reason in these cases is territorial demarcation, since, as with other animals, kittens also require an appropriate place and therefore do the demarcation.

Even in a house with several animals, kittens often mark their territory by scratching the furniture and rubbing against the walls.

Scratching also leaves the kitten's scent in place, which is why other animals interpret it as a way of demarcating.

In the area of ​​the kitten's paw next to the paw, there is a place where the pet releases pheromones as the animal moves the member to scratch.

As you can see, this is quite natural, but keep in mind that if your cat is scratching things a lot then it could be that he is bored or stressed.

This can be quite uncomfortable, especially if the pet starts to destroy your furniture or clothes, for example.

The best way to deal with this is to offer the cat toys that he can interact with to de-stress, and also buy his own scratching posts.

The place where the cat scratches gets its smell, so sometimes cleaning the area helps to reduce this behavior.

Cat that meows constantly is a problem

According to research, domestic cats have improved meowing behavior so that they can get the attention of humans to get exactly what they want.

However, when animals meow excessively, they end up bothering you a lot, especially if you have very close neighbors or live in an apartment.

Of course, cats meow , as this is the main way these animals communicate. It turns out that in puppies, this behavior is much more expressive, while the adult animal should meow a little less.

Also, if the cat meows a lot, it is very important to find out the possibility that he is in pain or any other problem that causes this type of behavior.

Constant meowing usually means the animal is in pain. And that's a way for him to demonstrate this to the tutor and be able to be properly cared for.

It is quite common for cats to hide when they are in pain. They can also look different with their ears flat.

If the animal does not feed or drink water properly, then it means that something is not right with it.

The ideal thing is to take the little animal for an appointment with the vet to check if anything bothers him.

Also, contrary to what many people think, kittens get very attached to people and so they can meow a lot when they feel needy and want to get the tutor's attention.

Even those animals that seem to be more independent definitely need affection. So try to offer this to your pet always.

Cat Behavior Problems: Aggression

In general, kittens are docile animals, but anyway, they have the instinct to protect their objects, territory and puppies, for example.

In addition, felines in general like to have their own space and, therefore, if they have that right threatened, they will try to reverse it in some way.

Therefore, it is common for a cat to become aggressive if another animal invades your home or if it tries to sleep in your bed.

Even with the tutor, the cat can be aggressive in some cases if it feels bad about a situation.

All of this can be reversed with some changes in behavior with the animal. And if by chance the issue is very serious, you can hire a specialist in feline behavior.

Furthermore, in cases of vulnerability, the animal tends to become very aggressive. This happens when the cat is in pain.

Not knowing how to interpret this, nor how to defend itself, the animal is aggressive and agitated whenever it is in pain.

In the case of pain, obviously, the animal will need specialized medical care to check what is causing the problem.

But in many cases, it is enough to socialize the animal to the people and other animals with which it usually meets and this issue tends to decrease.

In homes where more than one cat lives, it is essential to have several litter boxes , feeders and drinkers so that there is no competition. Another tip is to leave everything spread out in several environments.

Finally, if the animal happens to be stressed, it can become aggressive. If this occurs, environmental enrichment can help a lot.

Cat behavior problems and animal health

If you are a caring and responsible owner, you are certainly always concerned about your pet's health.

In that case, it is very important to know that there are cat behavior problems that are directly associated with the health of the kittens.

Below we will show you the main signs that indicate changes in your pet's health.

Eyes must be bright

Cats have big and beautiful bright eyes and are always very attentive to everything that happens around them.

So, suspect if your animal has a vacant look or if your eyes have any stains.

It is also essential that the eye is bright, without secretions. The third eyelid should not show either.

Ears indicate cat behavior problems

Cats demonstrate much more than you can imagine through their little ears. Sadness, fear, fright, pain. These are just some of the things you can identify by the position of your pet's little ear.

They must always be upright. If you happen to notice that your kitten's ears are bent or positioned in a different way, it's a sign of a problem.

Check if there are injuries or if the little animal is like this because of some condition related to its psychology.

The snout also indicates many things

A healthy kitten always has a clean muzzle, without wounds or wear. Runs should also not be present.

In addition, cats have an excellent sense of smell and often move their whiskers while trying to identify environmental stimuli.

Appetite and thirst

One of the biggest cat behavior problems that indicate a change in the animal's health is excessive water consumption and also urination.

It's quite common for cats to have kidney problems and if you notice that your pet spends a lot of time drinking water or consumes it in large quantities, it's good to talk to a veterinarian about it.

You will also notice in this case that the animal pees a lot and, in this case, you will see that the litter box has several lumps or is “washed” with urine.

Decreased water intake can also be a problem, as well as reduced food consumption. So always keep an eye on it.

Heartbeat and shaking

Just like humans, there is a limit to the heartbeat of felines and, you need to observe this carefully.

It is important that the indices are between 110 and 240 beats per minute. And if it is elevated at rest, it may be that the animal is stressed or has a problem.


As you have noticed, there are several cat behavior problems that can indicate that something is not right. The important thing is to know how to identify and act to reverse the issue.