If you're the type of person who can't resist your pet's charms, you must have at least considered the possibility of sleeping with them.


However, this is still a question that leaves people in doubt as to what is and is not allowed.

Is it okay to let the pet stay in bed? It is for you who have this doubt that this text was written.

So read on and find out once and for all if it's a good idea to sleep with your pet cat.

Why do people love to sleep with the cat?

For those who really have pets as children, it is very difficult to resist the charm they use to get what they want.

And by the way, kittens love a bed, either because of the proximity to the tutor, or because the place is comfortable and warm.

And there are cats that pay so much attention to their tutor's behavior that when it's time for a nap, they're already heading to bed.


But if cats love this closeness, there are tutors who like it even more and do everything to always have the kitty close by.

Many centuries ago, man began to domesticate felines, bringing them ever closer to him.

The interest in the behavior and partnership between humans and cats has been increasing more and more.

And with each passing year, more and more humans get carried away by cats' strategies to conquer people.


Therefore, the number of domestic cats keeps growing and their tutors are extremely demanding with four-legged children.

With so much love and consideration, you would expect owners to want their pets in bed too.

However, as hygienic as kittens are, there are still some doubts related to this proximity.

Why do cats love to sleep in bed with their owner?

Anyone who has a kitten that lives indoors knows how much these pets love to be close to their guardians.

It's common for cats to always be with people and, as much as many people say they don't get attached, that's not true by far.

In addition to this attachment to close people, cats also love comfortable and warm places.

So even if you never called, your kitten is very likely to insist on climbing into bed.

Even if you always prevent the animal from getting on the bed, it will insist on doing so at any cost.

Even if you've already been irritated with the cat a few times, the good news is that if your cat loves sleeping with you, it's because he loves you.

The way cats demonstrate this is very different from dogs, for example, but when the feline spends a lot of time with the tutor, it means that he has affection, respect and trust. See more details about it:

  • Cats love company: as much as many people deny it, kittens don't like to be alone at any time. So, they are always looking for company and proximity to people, even during the night;
  • Affection: sleeping with the owner is one of the greatest demonstrations of affection from a kitten, since it shows that he is comfortable like this;
  • Confidence: cats don't like to be vulnerable and the moment of sleep is very critical for them, since they show their fragility when they sleep. And being with the tutor at that moment helps them feel much safer;
  • Heat: if you have a cat, you must have noticed that these animals are always looking for warm places where they can rest and the bed seems to be the right place, especially on the coldest days.

Something very curious is that some cats prefer to sleep close to the tutor's head, since this region moves less during sleep, making the animal more comfortable.

Can you really sleep with the cat?

So far we've shown that both cats and humans tend to love sleeping together.

And for those who have doubts whether this is really allowed, the good news is that it is. But the animal and tutor need to be comfortable.

For most people there will be no problem letting the kitten sleep in the bed, so you can do it without fear.

Obviously, if the person has any health problems, such as respiratory allergies, this could be a big problem.

Even so, some rules must be established and some care must be taken, thus making this closeness beneficial for both. Learn more about this below.

It is a good idea to sleep with the cat if there is hygiene

Cats are considered extremely clean animals, as their sandpaper-textured tongues are very efficient at removing dirt.

Even though they are self-cleaning, these animals can still carry some contamination and dirt particles.

Given that, if you really intend to sleep with your pet kitten, always keep an eye on his cleanliness level. And when necessary, you can give it a bath very carefully.


It's only a good idea to sleep with the cat if your pet is up to date on vaccinations . It should be made clear that this is fundamental in any situation.

But for pets that stay so close to humans, it's even more important to ensure frequent immunization.

This helps to avoid most infectious diseases typical of domestic cats. In addition, there are diseases that are zoonoses, that is, they pass from cats to humans.

Beware of cats that go to the street

Unfortunately, there are still many people who raise their kittens outdoors . However, this can be quite dangerous, either for the pet or the family.

There are many problems that can happen when a cat is on the street, especially when it has contact with other animals.

There are many infectious diseases, whether specific to cats or zoonoses that are transmitted to humans.

In addition, on the street the kitten can contaminate itself, catch worms and also external parasites, especially fleas.

All of this can be extremely harmful to the pet and also cause problems for the tutor, especially in the case of cats that sleep in bed.

Worming is essential for sleeping with the cat

Even if the little animal stays indoors, it may end up ingesting some undue things and contaminating itself.

Many worms are transmitted by contaminated water and food. And if you want to sleep with the cat, the ideal thing is that it is properly dewormed.

It's a good idea to sleep with the cat with the door open.

For those who want to have a good closeness with the pet, it is a good idea to sleep with the cat with the door open.

As much as the little animal likes to be with the tutor, he must be free to move freely whenever he wants.

Especially considering that cats are nocturnal, your cat may want to go for a walk, drink water or eat from time to time during the night.

So try to leave the door open, thus preventing the little animal from being stressed.

Benefits of sleeping with the cat

If you still have doubts about whether it's a good idea to sleep with your cat, know that it is. And not only is it allowed, but there are several advantages to doing so.

Below we will show some of them, and even science agrees with these benefits. See what they are below:

  • Improvements in general health: according to science, tutors who spend a lot of time with their kittens are much less likely to have heart problems, as these animals lower stress levels;
  • Purring helps soothe and heal: if you think your purring kitty is the cutest, cutest thing in the world, know that it's also therapeutic for humans. It is thought to be able to minimize depression and other health conditions;
  • Affection: it is known that human beings need affection, and sleeping with the cat is one of the possible ways to get that;
  • Protection: As much as cats feel protected by being together with the tutor, it should be considered that humans feel much better when they have company. Even kittens help make people feel less alone.