It's not that hard to love domestic cats, since they are beautiful, stately and adorable.

Contrary to what many people say, they are very attached to their tutors, love affection and can be excellent company for when you are at home.

It is difficult for a person to resist the charms of a kitten, and it is rare for someone who has only one feline.

From the moment a person takes a kitten home, he ends up wanting to have others. But this is not enough to classify the person as a cat lover either.

Much more than liking it, it is necessary to take care of these very special animals, always focusing on their quality of life.

So, if you want to know if you are a true cat lover, follow this post that will show you the main signs of this.

What does it mean to be a cat lover?

If you have a domestic feline and you are simply crazy in love with him, this is a strong indication.

More than that, if you are able to do almost anything to see your pet well, then it really could be that you love these little animals.

However, to be considered a cat lover one has to go further. And even though there isn't a list of rules to include you in this category, below we'll talk about some things that are very common among lovers of domesticated cats.

A true cat lover will do anything to stay home with his feline.

If you're a true cat lover, you probably have a feline at home and you're always wanting to spend more time with him.

Generally, those who are very fond of kittens are always finding an excuse to spend a few extra minutes just to be near the pet.

Buy all that's best for him

A true cat lover is always concerned about their pet's happiness and well-being.

This includes buying everything that is good and best for the animal, including quality feed, beds, toys, among other things.

Adapt the house for your pet

Something that indicates that a person is a cat lover is the way he changes his life and environments to make the feline feel better.

Those who like felines don't mind having a bunch of toys lying around and hanging around.

In addition, almost everywhere in the house there is likely to be a bed or space where the kitten feels happy and comfortable.

Boxes, beds, blankets… everything you need to keep your pet well.

A true cat lover is always filming and photographing his pet.

If your camera's gallery of images and videos contains more photos of your pet kitten than people, you are probably a true cat lover.

If you spend enough time with the little feline, you will often see him strike a cute pose or play in a funny way. Everything is a pretext to film and photograph your little friend.

Spends a lot of time admiring the beauty of your pet

A cat lover is simply in love with the way these animals move and how beautiful, imposing and incredibly elegant they are.

So, if you are very fond of cats, you are likely to find yourself observing them for long periods of time on a regular basis.

Cat videos consume hours of your day

Finally, if you are a true cat lover, you must have an idea of ​​how much incredible material about cats is available on the internet.

There's always a new video of some cat doing something really funny. And if you're always finding the best materials, congratulations! You are probably a true cat lover.

What is the personality of people who prefer cats?

One of the biggest questions for cat lovers is to determine exactly what the profile of those who prefer cats is.

People who prefer to breed felines, in general, have a much more directed orientation towards seeking motivation and achieving their goals.

On the other hand, people who prefer cats are generally more goal and motivation oriented. They tend to be more likely to enjoy their own company and be introverted, or like to be independent.

In addition, creativity is often a personality trait of those who love cats. And these people are also usually leaders and are always looking for another good opportunity.

There are different types of cat lovers

One thing that cat lovers should know is that there is more than one type of tutor, so they have very different profiles from each other.

According to a study done in England, cat owners can basically be divided into five categories. Are they:

  • Concerned protectors: these are the cat lovers who are always very concerned about the safety and welfare of the animals;
  • Defenders of freedom: they are the tutors who defend the idea that felines should be free and, therefore, never impose restrictions on their behavior;
  • Tolerant guardians: people who appreciate and defend the behaviors of cats in nature, but who are somewhat opposed to their hunting habits;
  • Conscientious caretakers: caretakers who are responsible for the care of their animals and who always seek to establish some level of control over the felines' hunting habits;
  • Owners who support total freedom (the laissez-faire): are the guardians who value the freedom of their pets and who, in a way, ignore the problems that these animals may have when roaming freely on the streets.

Cat lover – Does your cat love you?

If you've discovered that you're a true cat lover, chances are you're worried about whether your pet feels the same way.

People are often unfair towards cats because they say they don't love their owners.

However, this is not true. They just have a different way of showing what they feel.

Cats show how much they love people in the small details. Stares, purrs, proximity. All this shows how much your cat loves you.

All you need to know is to identify the signs your kitty gives you that he loves you.

Know how to recognize your cat's affection demonstrations

If many people think that cats are not capable of love, this is due to the fact that the signs they offer are not so obvious.

However, there are clear signs that your cat is happy to have you around. Do you know what they are?

Cat lovers know how to respect the personality of felines

First of all, it must be made clear that it is a big lie to say that cats are treacherous and detached from everything.

In fact, what happens is that their personality is quite different from what is observed in dogs.

In addition to them having their own ways of showing love and affection for the tutor, you should also be aware that not all cats are the same.

As with people, felines have very different ways of showing the affection they feel.

Their personality varies a lot, so there are animals that are more attached, sweet, affectionate.

There are those who are crybaby, those who love to rub up against people and ask for affection, and there are also those who are skittish and prefer a little distance.

Understanding and respecting these differences also proves that you are a true cat lover.


Now that you already have an idea of ​​how to know if you are a true cat lover, start observing your reactions to your pet.

Surely, if you love your cat, it will respond with the most diverse demonstrations of affection, such as those mentioned here.