Even so, there are many myths and fears surrounding the procedure, since tutors are often afraid of something bad happening to the little animal,

Another common concern concerns what can happen after neutering and what changes are observed in cats after the procedure.

If you also have doubts about this, don't worry because this is a common question among tutors.

But in this text we are going to solve several of the questions about the castration of cats and the changes observed with the procedure.

Why is cat neutering so important?

Castration of cats is essential to ensure the well-being and health of these animals, as the procedure helps to reduce and control hormone levels in the animal .

With that, these pets tend to be much calmer, go outside less and get involved in fights much less (especially in the case of males).

In addition, castration prevents females from becoming weakened due to pregnancy and from suffering later having to take care of the puppies.

In the case of stray cats, this is quite relevant, since they no longer eat well and are often sick.

Furthermore, it is common for cats to have kittens in their first heat, when they are still too young, and this can be a problem.

Castration surgery in cats, when done at the right time, also helps to prevent the appearance of mammary tumors in females.

Finally, it is known that there are already many street animals and the uncontrolled reproduction of pets causes a series of problems.

Therefore, it is best to have a well-cared-for domestic kitten and submit it to the procedure so that it has a better quality of life.

the fear of castration

If, on the one hand, it is proven that castration of cats is beneficial for the animals, on the other hand, tutors are quite afraid of carrying out the procedure.

Many people think that surgery is complicated and that the little animal can die or suffer damage with it.

But the truth is that with the constant advances in veterinary medicine, surgical procedures are increasingly safe.

Especially with regard to the anesthetics used, they are increasingly of better quality and guarantee a smooth procedure most of the time.

Of course, this will depend on the professional who is performing the technique and the location. Generally, procedures with inhalatory anesthesia , for example, have a higher cost compared to castration of cats with injectable anesthetic.

Therefore, try to choose a reliable professional and find out how the procedure will be carried out to ensure the well-being of the little animal.

castration costs

Another concern of tutors in relation to the castration of cats concerns the costs of the procedure.

A lot of people think that neutering a pet is very expensive. Indeed, in some cases, carrying out the procedure has a high value.

However, there are also many reliable places that perform cat neutering at low cost.

It is common for many cities to have programs carried out by the city hall or, also by local universities.

So, you have no excuse not to neuter your little animal. You just need to choose the right professional and the right place and everything will go well.

Castration of cats: what to do before?

As much as cat castration is a safe procedure, especially when done in a trusted place, you have to be very careful with the pre-surgery.

First of all, only the veterinarian can recommend castration surgery, always taking into account the characteristics of each pet and talking to the owner.

After deciding that it is time for the pet to be neutered, a series of tests must be carried out in order to make sure that the cat is healthy and can undergo the surgery without any problems.

Ideally, a blood count should be done to check that the pet does not have diseases such as infections, worms, viruses and anemia.

In addition, a battery of tests should be carried out to assess, in particular, the functions of the kidneys and liver.

The ideal is to also perform an electrocardiogram, which indicates whether the animal's heart is prepared to face anesthesia and surgery without problems.

If all parameters are in order and the pet is ready for surgery, you still need to follow some recommendations.

With the procedure scheduled, the veterinarian should provide guidance on how to prepare the pet.

Most professionals ask that the cat fast for 12 hours for food and at least 6 hours for water.

In addition, before surgery, it is already recommended that you buy some type of protection to prevent the little animal from pulling out the stitches.

The Elizabethan collar is still widely used in these situations, but nowadays this accessory is mainly indicated for male animals.

Currently there is a preference for females to use special surgical clothes for this type of procedure.

It is also recommended that the owner bring a blanket that can be used to keep the kitten comfortable and warm after surgery, as the anesthesia can leave him cold.

Attention to anesthetics

When talking about castration of cats, it should be borne in mind that the type of anesthetic used is extremely important.

Therefore, before taking your four-legged friend for surgery, ensure that the chosen professional is qualified and actually performs the anesthesia correctly.

Unfortunately, there are still people who only use sedatives, which leave the little animal immobile.

However, these are not enough to make the pet feel nothing during the procedure.

This is even more important in the case of surgery on females, since the procedure is much more invasive and painful.

In addition, it is important that the feline is connected to equipment that monitors its vital functions during castration.

In this way, at any sign of complication, it is possible to intervene quickly, avoiding any damage to the health and well-being of the pet.

Castration of cats: what changes after the procedure?

In general, kittens recover very well from the surgical neutering procedure.

However, even well afterwards, you need to take care of the pet's life. Some things will change.

This includes behavioral changes as well as physical changes. Below we will comment more on each one of them and what you should observe to take good care of your feline.

  • Tranquility: the neutered animal tends to be much calmer, so that he is less agitated and also demonstrates much less anxiety. But you also need to pay attention so that he exercises properly;
  • The neutered cat goes out less: neutering makes the cat feel much less interested in walking outside, so that they spend much more time indoors;
  • Reduction in activity level: Castration of cats makes the little animal much less agitated and, in general, less exercise. You will notice that after the surgery your pet will sleep more and, therefore, you will have to encourage him;
  • Reduction of aggression: this goes for behavior with humans and with other cats. The more skittish animal tends to calm down and, that means much less fights with other cats in the street and, also, a friendlier behavior with people;
  • Less territorial demarcation: especially for male cats, pee goes far beyond a physiological need, being a way of territorial demarcation. But when the pet is neutered, this type of behavior reduces a lot.

Changes require some care.

As you noticed, some changes are quite noticeable after castration of cats and, as much as this is mostly beneficial, it requires some care on the part of the owner.

Below we will talk about some things that are fundamental to guarantee the general well-being of your pet so that he does not have any problems due to neutering.

Caution with food after castration of cats

You've probably heard that neutered cats get fat , right? In parts this is true.

After castration, cats tend to be calmer and spend most of their time sleeping.

The instincts of going outside and hunting are greatly diminished and, with that, the pet's daily caloric expenditure is much smaller.

Therefore, to prevent this from being reflected in weight, it is necessary to offer a specific food for neutered animals, since they have lower levels of calories and fat.

Many tutors think that it is enough to reduce the amount of food given daily to the pet, but this can cause damage, since the amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins will also be smaller.

With this, the pet may suffer from malnutrition. So, thinking about meeting the needs of the animal without prejudice, companies develop specific foods for neutered cats.

Encourage the cat to move

Yes, castration of cats leads the animals to become much more prostrate and calm. If, on the one hand, this is beneficial for the pet to become more of a homebody, on the other hand, inactivity is a problem.

Therefore, it is up to the tutor to use techniques to make the little animal move more in everyday life.

The best way to encourage energy expenditure is to play with your feline. Invest at least ten minutes of your day to interact with your pet and stimulate movement.

Environmental enrichment

Still talking about stimulating the movement of the kitten, environmental enrichment is an excellent alternative.

There are many options for objects that can make your little animal curious and sharpen their hunting instincts.

And you decide if you prefer to invest in commercial objects or if you prefer to create toys with objects you have at home.